Ten years ago I launched Walmington-on-Line as a tribute to the classic BBC sitcom Dad’s Army. Then as now there was no shortage of factual websites dedicated to the programme but I wanted to do something a little different: to create online an evocation of Walmington-on-Sea and the world of Dad’s Army. Over the next couple of years I devoted ridiculous amounts of time to the site which grew both in size and ambition to include streamed audio and video content, dynamic databases and even original fiction.
Then life took over and Walmington-on-Line began to languish – by 2006 I had pretty much stopped maintaining the site. However, like a faded seaside resort, while the site decayed and degraded it never quite faded away and I always resisted taking it offline as I felt there were nuggets of gold amongst the dross.
In the last 10 years the technology for creating websites has been transformed and now sites can be developed quickly and easily using blogging tools such as this. That has given me an opportunity to relaunch Walmington-on-Line in a way that means it will be much easier to update and more involving for visitors.
So, if you are a returning visitor to the site, welcome back. If you are new then please wander round, buy a stick of rock, and enjoy yourself. Either way if you subscribe you will get alerted when new posts are made to the blog.
I’m glad to see Walmington-on-Line restored back on its feet. And if you are gazing out across the steel grey of the English Channel in search of invasion barges remember – they don’t like it up ’em.