
50 Moments That Made Dad’s Army: #11 Don’t Tell Him Pike

Don’t tell him Pike

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Would you believe it’s exactly 45 years ago today that the world first heard the immortal words “don’t tell him Pike”? The episode The Deadly Attachment was first broadcast on 22 June 1972

In a list of 50 moments that made Dad’s Army, this one was bound come up. It’s most famous moment in Dad’s Army and one of the best-loved in comedy history.

There’s really nothing else to say except, settle down with some chips, preferably crisp unt light brown, and enjoy this one again – if you don’t your name will also go on the list.



50 Moments that made Dad’s Army is a series of blog posts each focusing on one moment that helped define the popular comedy series. There will be one post for each of the 50 days leading-up to the 50th anniversary of the first broadcast of the first episode of the series on 31st July 1968. 50 Moments that Made Dad’s Army is brought to you by walmington-on-line.co.uk and copyright of all video clips belongs to the BBC.



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